Time From SJC Gate 19 to Hertz Rental CarTook 24:30 from gate 19 to being in my rental car. Not very busy in terminal. Used the tele-rep to rent (you call a remote person). Had...
Links to all of Jeff Bezos' Letters to Shareholders: 1997 - 2018Released 2018-04-18 | 2017 Letter to Shareholders: http://phx.corporate-ir.net/External.File?item=UGFyZW50SUQ9NjkyMDIyfENoaWxkSUQ9NDAyOT
Time from Home to Ticket and Ticket to Gate at Denver International Airport on 2017-10-22Home to Ticket It took 50 minutes to get from Centennial to the Southwest automated kiosk. Parked on the first level of the garage....
Barenaked Ladies Crazy ABCs ListAll the "crazy ABCs" listed in Snack Time. A is for aisle B is for bdellium C is for czar D is for djinn E is for Euphrates F is for föhn...