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  • Zach Pfeffer

List of DOE SciDAC HPC Projects

This post lists a table of every U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) SciDAC HPC project with short descriptions, links to repos (if found) and landing pages (if found). A more in depth table can be found at [Excel File].

I've classed the projects into: Adapters, Annotation, I/O, Iterators, Models, OS, Partition, Perf, Solvers, Storage, Translation, Visualization, and Workflow. These classes may not be completely accurate, but gave me a short-cut when evaluating what each project provides.


  • Logo adapted from logos at [link]

  • SciDAC software list at [link]

  • FASTMATH software list at [link]

  • RAPIDS software list at [link]

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